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about me

High-performance business mentor, father of five, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist.

Every Leader Needs A Mentor

My Name is Colin Cooper

I am a high-performance business mentor, father, consultant, entrepreneur, investor, author, natural horsemanship practitioner, and emotional intelligence workshop facilitator. My multifaceted career spans over two decades, during which I have honed my skills and expertise to deliver exceptional results across diverse industries and countries.

There’s no better time to begin

There’s no better time to begin


Unleash Your Full Potential

Welcome to a one stop place where you can experience exponential growth both internally and externally in every aspect of your life. Using my proven strategies backed by science and over two decades of research and data.

Who I Have Worked With

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Mentoring and Consulting

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Courses and Programs

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Collaborative Opportunities

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What My Clients Say

Greg Pond

“Certainly my first point of contact for business development”

I have known Colin for several years having worked together on marketing projects during my time at The Coffee Club. Not only is Colin a genuinely good guy, he is also exceptionally skilled and very knowledge when it comes to all things marketing – particularly Online & Social Media. 

Colin has assisted me on several marketing projects and is a great sounding board for idea’s in the incubation stage. He has a wealth of knowledge regarding customized websites, advertising, Apps, Post-click, SEO, Social Media – anything and everything you need to know to succeed. 

I have no hesitation in recommending Colin to anyone looking for good, commonsense advice and certainly my first point of contact for business development.

Greg Pond

Sales Manager
Ian Dorrepaal

“Helped my clients achieve sustained results efficiently and with greater ease than previously experienced”

Having known Colin since 2006, I’ve had the privilege to witness the positive impact he has created for a wide range of clients. On numerous occasions, I’ve referred clients to Colin who had been frustrated with their results from previous consultants or web platforms, to find that his up to date perspective and experience, has enabled them to achieve sustained results efficiently and with greater ease than previously experienced.

Most of all, in introducing Colin to my clients, I value his ability to help business owners enjoy their business and make the impact they aspire to have in their industry.

Ian Dorrepaal

Marketing Strategist Vizzably
Brendon Campbell

Colin’s professionalism and corporate understanding have made a huge impact to my referred clients, in my own business and to me personally. Over a number of years we have had many successful projects with mutual clients, always working towards providing the best results possible. Colin’s knowledge and experience consistently prove to me I can refer to him with confidence, and I continue to learn business acumen from him in many ways.

Brendon Campbell

IT Security & Solutions
James Crowson

“Colin has a very special skill set”

I have been fortunate to work with Colin a several projects recently. Colin as a very special skill set in the areas of web development, social media marketing and demographic profiling. However it is Colin’s application of these skill sets that has impressed me most. Colin looks at projects from a helicopter perspective to ensure that a project synergises across the business and offers the client total value. He will not take on a job if the end result will not add value to a clients business. With so many pieces making up the marketing puzzle these days Colin’s ability to project map out both simple and complex projects allows the client to receive a better understanding of the media landscape and to create a strategy to build their business within a set of defined budgets. The scope of work capable within the Boost Your Business team that Colin has put together is impressive and working with Colin has allowed our team to deliver greater value to our own customers.

James Crowson

Sales Manager
Bryony Crouch

“His focus was always in and around leading”

I had the pleasure of working with Colin Cooper for two years on various projects. My experience with Colin has always been positive and worthwhile. He holds the ability to maintain a high level of client service and satisfaction. His focus was always in and around leading, mentoring and inspiring others both internally and externally to meet business demands and expectations. Colin’s success to date has been due to his can do attitude and his pro active nature to meet client’s expectations.

Bryony Crouch

Head of Client Management
Steve McMarson

Colin has been instrumental in broadening my awareness of Online Business Strategies, in particular, that of the use of Social Media to establish my brand. 

Over a number of years, I have utilized Colin and his team for two complete website make-overs. I find his attention to detail excellent and that he is generous with his time and advice. 

I highly recommend Colin as a Business Coach and online marketing and branding expert.

Steve McMarson

Portrait and Wedding Photographer
Dr Gail Crossley-C

“Colin is a very detail-oriented person who is both task and people focussed”

Colin is a very detail-oriented person who is both task and people focussed. He has an extremely positive attitude to business and life, and genuinely enjoys helping businesses reach the next level. Colin is efficient, accommodating and generous with his time to ensure that his clients receive a quality result. 

Dr Gail Crossley-C

Steve Plummer

“He will definitely be able to help you to start, grow or improve your business”

Colin is one of the most knowledgeable marketers in Australia. His agency gets results. His experience and knowledge are deep and cross many industries and platforms. He studies and stays up to date so he can present the best solution for clients. On top of that he is a man of the highest integrity who really wants the best for all those he works with.

Steve Plummer

Master Copywriter
Jeremy Seymour

“Second to none compressed business experience”

I have had the pleasure of working with Colin for about 10 years now on several joint projects and client’s business and marketing campaigns.

The knowledge and compressed business experience that Colin brings to the table is second to none and my clients campaigns have been successful because of it.

He would be one of the world’s leading business and marketing strategists, being able to cut through complex challenges and deliver solutions for easy deployment.

On top of this he really cares about the success of the people he works with and is a genuine human being.

Jeremy Seymour

Business Advisor
Jennifer B

Over the time that I have known and worked with Colin, I’ve found him to be warm, reliable and incredibly knowledgeable plus he has an intense thirst for growing and learning… always improving, shifting and testing his new skills along with his mastered.

Not only has he shared that incredible mental library of his generously with me, he is passionate about seeing people succeed. If you work with him, you know he cares and has your best interests in mind, top of mind.

Thanks Colin! For all that you do!

Jennifer B

Training Specialist
Carlo Guzzi

“Colin is a marketing Genius and demystified digital marketing for me”

By no means am I a social media or digital marketing expert, so I was grateful for the advice and solutions Colin has provided for me. If it wasn’t for his expertise on what type of articles I should use and the best times to post on social media I wouldn’t have known this simple secret that generated more traffic to my site.

He certainly demystified digital marketing to me which made it easy to understand, less confusing and extremely cost effective Not only that he give me the idea to start interviewing influencers which has given me massive momentum in my business. So for that, I am forever grateful.

I have no hesitation in recommending his services to any SME struggling to get a return on investment from their digital marketing.

Carlo Guzzi

Sales Associate
David Letizia

“He will definitely be able to help you to start, grow or improve your business”

Colin and I started working together several years ago on Facebook and Marketing strategies for my business as well as my clients businesses. Colin’s systems actually worked and 2 of the clients he helped me engage are still “ideal” and with us now. We kept in touch on various projects until a great joint venture opportunity emerged this year.

Now we are working together on SEO, Paid Ads, using psychometric profiling and behavioural science as part of the digital marketing implementation for an online business. We spent the first 6 weeks cleaning up the mess left from the previous “agency” and now the traffic and sales are flowing in.

We are looking to develop these successful processes into more opportunities across several businesses.

Colin and his project team have helped my business not only survive the recent downturn, but we are looking to grow strongly in the future, especially with JV and other long term, win win opportunities.

David Letizia

Marketing Expert
Cameron Corniuk

Over the years, I have watched Colin turn several small businesses, would be marketers, and products into thriving success stories. I have had the opportunity to work with him on some of those projects and he and I have continued to learn from one another along the way. Like me, Colin is constantly testing new technologies, enhanced tactics, and cutting edge programs. He is able to see patterns quickly and pivot just as quickly to get his clients onto what works.

Colin explains complex strategies and technologies in a way that even the uninitiated can understand. Those who have worked with him over the years have learned that he will put his money where his mouth is when it comes to proving a point. He works diligently helping others be successful.

While many marketers and their firms will claim to have some sort of surefire way to get top rankings, increased sales, etc., Colin gives it to his clients straight. This will work. That will not work. In all cases, though, it requires work. If one is willing to invest in techniques and strategies, either through time and sweat equity or by paying someone else for their time and work, the guidance he gives will make them a success.

Cameron Corniuk

Technology and Automation Specialist
Trish Glover

“Thank you for making business easy and enjoyable”

I have known and worked with Colin for several years now. I was first introduced to Colin when I attended an advanced copy writing training, he was running.

Since then he has assisted me with defining my personal brand and target demographic along with providing me a framework to use on other projects and businesses to make them a success.

Colins knowledge on human behaviour and applying that to business strategies I have never witnessed or experienced before in the 35+ years of running my own companies.

He is authentic and genuinely cares about your results and making sure you are successful which is exceedingly rare in today’s business climate.

If you are looking to pivot your business, need clarity on who you are targeting, or get better results from existing business activities I highly recommend speaking with Colin and his team.

Trish Glover

Systems Expert

My connection with Colin Cooper has been effortless and profitable. Becoming one of his students initially in the Natura training platform and then transitioning into his mentor program, I witnessed firsthand Colin’s extensive business knowledge and expertise as he guided my business to new levels helping from website design and business set up to creating courses. Now as new JV partners, the evolved connection keeps improving and I’m very excited to take our partnership to another level.

Kind and empathetic in his approach I strongly recommend Colin to anyone wanting to grow their business successfully from whichever level they’re starting from. Rest assured that you’re in very capable and experienced hands.

Carmen Arvelo

Shari Brewer

“He’s remarkably well connected, highly respected and has his finger on the pulse of business trends”

Put working with Colin Cooper on your business bucket list if you’ve not already had the luck of connecting with him. His insight into the REAL world of business is second to none and he’s a coach and mentor who walks the talk.

Colin has an incredibly deep understanding of consumer psychology; which when coupled with his smart and savvy business strategy has you not only dreaming big but taking then clear action.

Above all, Colin’s advice and mentoring is delivered with unwavering integrity, honesty, and a real desire to see you succeed. I hold his services in very high regard and recommend you connect with him given an opportunity to.

Shari Brewer


I have been working with Colin since 2014 and he has been instrumental in raising awareness of all my different businesses by helping create growth strategies that work the first time.

Then he and his team deploy these strategies by using social media, brand awareness, direct marketing and website design that’s based on human behaviour.

On a recent new business in the event space his generous sponsorship, advice, and technical application allowed us to not only run events during covid but also make a profit allowing them to be successful.

I would highly recommend him to anyone that wants to have success with their business project.

Daniel Delahunty

Fitness Lifestyle Coach
Daniel Hope

Colin has the kind of friendly and efficient approach to professional success that so many aspire to. I’m grateful to consider Colin a friend, a mentor and a business partner.

Daniel Hope

Healthcare Mission Leader
Sue Pak

Trusted Advisors Partner Portal (TAPP) provides valuable content for practices to offer clients. With limited time to create resources, it makes sense to utilise content from experts and TAPP bring together helpful articles and training on business foundations, marketing, leadership, business growth, increasing revenue and so much more.

Sue Pak

Xero – Head of Accounting
Jesse Logan

The Trusted Advisor Partner Portal is a great value add for a practice’s clients with training courses that will help with their client’s business. There’s also a practical element for your practice, by using the reports delivered to you by TAPP on the courses being accessed by your clients, you can provide advisory services related to their interests that will increase your revenue.

Jesse Logan

MYOB – Marketing Manager