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2021 Consumers Go From OUTWARD to INWARD – What you need to know?


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We are seeing many important shifts in consumer buying behaviours around the world.

The one I am diving into today is about how consumers are shifting from public to private ways of living.

It’s important to understand that the pandemic and the accompanying economic and societal crises have rewired what consumers want and how they live.

The difference between Outward and Inward living is worlds apart, let’s take a deeper look.

Outward / Public Living

Before the pandemic, we were seeing a trend in living primarily towards this outward-focused culture. As an example, this is defined by in-person experiences, mainly in public and typically shared with friends, family and even strangers.

This was then shared on popular social media platforms so you could experience other peoples’ lives as well. Known as the ‘fishbowl effect’.

Inward / Private

This is very different, some might even say going back to how it was before social media networks or the internet existed.

Consumers are feeling very vulnerable being in public places and around others outside their immediate safety net.

In fact, in a recent survey – 2020 Gartner Consumer Behaviours and Attitudes Survey over 77% reported they are no longer socialising the way they did pre-pandemic as its no longer comfortable.

As a business you need to understand this way of life isn’t going away anytime soon, so you need to use strategies to meet your customers where they are.

Digital purchases throughout 2020 grew anywhere from 25% to over 400% in most niches which is a massive increase in sets of eyeballs.

However, being relevant to consumers is always a challenge and the continued uncertainty in 2021 around Covid-19 has made predicting what consumers want even harder.

Brands that take a different approach to communicate and deliver messages will see a massive increase in sales and profits.

Adopt a methodology we have developed which is called Onsite Journey Optimisation (OJO).

This is about offering relevant messages, experiences, and products to consumers. Delivering the right message to the right person at the right time based on a previous search, website behaviour, social media channel and more.

Over the coming weeks and months, I will dive into our Onsite Journey Optimisation Methodology so you can also take advantage to help increase your sales and profits.

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