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How To Use The Latest Behavioural Science In Your Funnels That Generates More Sales FASTER! – Part 3


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sandsGenerates More Sales…Get the unfair advantage on your competitors and customers

In this article, I am going to walk through the motivational model in more detail and how you can apply its marketing methods to generates more sales faster in your business.

A quick recap on the Motivational Model, it’s broken up into eight core implicit emotions which are further broken down into 32 expressions/manifestations.

This motivational model Is the intellectual property of Beyond Reason

Using the Motivational Model for marketing


As a human race we hate uncertainty because uncertainty means something can potentially happen to hurt us and as we have discussed before, the brain is here to keep us safe.

So, if you position your brand as being safe, stable, secure, reassuring and righteous this is appealing to a wider range of market segments.

With the explosion of growth on social media and the internet, we are presented with more uncertainty than ever before.

Brands that are communicating the clearing of longevity and stability have a massive advantage and a much higher percentage of winning the deal over sites that have just started or have no credible background.

We call this Social Proof that helps you Generates More Sales. Something humans now turn to Social Media for rather than solely word of mouth.


We have uncovered already that people are social animals and we feel the need to be part of a group (Safety in Numbers).

This implicit motivation will see you wanting collaboration, conformism, relatedness (attachments) and empathy.

Any business can create a sense of collaboration and community to evoke these emotions.

An example of this is The Kids Book Company where we have created partnerships with companies like UNICEF, KIDS CAN, Girl Guides and others and give up to 50% of the purchase price of children’s books sold, using special codes, back to these organisations to help the world be a better place.

This is the right thing to do, but it also creates a sense of be belonging in our community. There is a sense of coming together when someone purchases a book for a child anywhere in the world.


This is probably the one motivation that accelerated the growth of social media worldwide. Us humans want to be perceived as valuable and needed by others.

One of the key motivations here has a feeling of being respected.

A simple way to implement this into your brand is to create a funnel to listen to your customers after any purchase.

Trigger a funnel to start which sends an email to the customer immediately after the purchase to rate your service.

Amazon do this very well; it makes the customer feel really important that their opinion actually does count. It also provides valuable feedback to Amazon about the products and services and also creates social proof to help with future sales and Generates More Sales (Providing the feedback is good of course)


We want to feel that we are independent thinkers and can make choices based on our own free will.

As humans we are often self-centered, now you might be saying yes some people are but I am not.

Let me ask you this question. When you look at a photo with a group of people in it and you are also there who is the first person you look?

Feeling that we are the master of our destiny and having autonomy plays a large part in our overall happiness.

A very popular brand I would like to draw attention to is Airbnb. This brand appeals to people being non-conformist traveler.

It shifted direct control from Hotels and Large booking sites and put the “power” into both the homeowner with a spare room and the person wanting to stay. And the site exploded from there based around all of the motivations on the above model.

How can you do the same with your brand?


This is something many want but mistake it for forcing people to do what we want them to do, which is quite different.

Power is the desire to have influence and persuasion over others without forcing them to do as you say. This is all based around authority, hierarchy, competition and prestige.

A great example of this is in airports. Specifically, the airport lounges. Virgin sets a great example using prestige to promote their first-class service by comparing the lounges to Clubhouses.

This creates the impression of being very exclusive which evokes the feeling of power and influence.


Self-improvement is a core part of being a human, we have a constant want to understand how things work.

Understanding, altruism, critical autonomy and purpose are key motivators that brands need to focus on.

An example of how you can do this for no cost is to create a blog on your website and have it focused on helping people improve on certain skills.

For example, this blog that you are reading right now hopefully is helping you get a better understanding of how the human brain and behaviours work.

Our aim is to help you generates more sales and create a more meaningful and purposeful existence on planet earth.


Sex is one of the very basic motivators that drive the whole human race is growing.

The core motivators are reproduction, parent-hood bond, Intimacy and lust.

An example of how a brand taps into these motivators is Netflix. They have a large focus on parents wanting to strengthen their relationship with their children.

We have all heard the saying an image paints a thousand words and the quickest way of doing this is through imagery.

Take a look at this image and write down what motivators and emotions from the chart above it evoke.


In more recent years, our attention has been drawn more to these motivators of nutrition, physical integrity, health, ecology.

More so that ever before we are looking at ways of living a holistic and fulfilling life without compromise.

Brands that are able to tap into these motivators and promote the desire to maintain good health and live a holistic balanced life we are able to cut through a lot of the clutter in today’s marketing world.

How these motivators apply to your marketing

The brain analyses the core difference between pain and reward, what’s going to hurt us and what is safe.

In marketing terms to generates more sales, this is REWARD (Benefits of Product/Service) and PAIN (Price of Product/Service)

Examples of how you can easily display this is a very simple term are below:

• Normal Price $197
• Today’s Price is $67
• You Save a total of $130
You could take this one step further and offer special bonuses, for example:

Purchase today and you get over $400 worth of bonuses.

A live example of doing this is:

This pricing table is showing the value as super high; the price is low and a single payment. The brain sees this as the REWARD is much higher than the PAIN.

You can also back this up by doing the following:

• Use words like invest and investment
• Yes I want it instead of using Buy Now
• Displaying the price without the $ sign as this reduces stress on the brain
• Using single digits for the actual price
• Showing the total value with $ and a much bigger amount than the actual price.
The above is just a basic example of little things you can do straight away to improve your marketing.

By understanding who you are targeting and marketing to this will allow you to use the motivators above to simplify the decision-making process and you will generates more sales.

Understand what of the eight-core motivators they want, then echo this through your marketing copy, in your design and value proposition.

Remember you are speaking to 95% of the brain which makes buying decisions based on emotion and the other 5% based on rational thinking.

In the next article in this series, I will be going deeper into the subconscious mind and be exploring Psychological rewards and how this directly affects the CRO.

We will also be exploring the Cognitive Bias Codex and how you use cognitive bias in your marketing.

Part 4 will be posted soon…