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A guide to running ad campaigns in social media, utilising psychological concepts to appeal to your target market

The Psychology of Advertising Advertising is all about the appeal. To be effective, an advertisement must attract and then appeal to its audience on some level. But what exactly does…...

Automation for Businesses of All Sizes: How to Increase Profits with Technology

Automation has been around for centuries, but it’s only in the last few decades that businesses have really begun to take advantage of its potential. With the advance of computers…...

Artificial Intelligence and Carbon Footprint — is AI destroying our planet?

Artificial intelligence is an exciting new technology that promises to make our lives easier, but have you ever thought about the carbon footprint implications? In this article, we will take…...

Gamifying Your Website for Increased Engagement and Sales Conversions

It is no secret that online businesses must continually strive to increase engagement and sales to stay competitive. One method that has proven successful in achieving these goals is...

Gazing into the future of branded virtual experiences

Branded virtual experiences have the potential to revolutionise marketing as we know it. By creating immersive digital environments that are tailored specifically to a company’s branding and...

Have you ever thought that maybe the “gurus” have got it wrong?

Wherever you turn on the internet you’re bombarded with messages from business experts banging on with their ‘exclusive strategies’ to help you grow your business. And, of course...

How to Use Psychology in Your Marketing: 10 Human Behaviour Principles You Need to Know

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in applying the principles of human behaviour theory to marketing. By understanding the psychology behind purchasing decisions, businesses can more...

The dangers of building a business solely on social media platforms.

There’s no question that social media platforms can be powerful tools for businesses of all sizes. But what happens when your business is built on a platform that’s not your…...

AI is here to stay. So get on board… or get left behind…

You could rightly be accused of living under a rock if you haven’t heard the words AI, ChatGPT and Open Chat being thrown around in conversation recently. And the talk…...

Mastering the Seed Funding Game: A Comprehensive Guide for Startups

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey can be exhilarating yet equally daunting, especially when it comes to securing the necessary funds to launch your business. The seed funding landscape has...

The Psychology of Consumer Behaviour: Understanding How Emotions Drive Purchasing Decisions

Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to buying certain products and not others? We all make decisions based on our emotions, and our buying behaviour is no exception.…...

Unlock the Power of Your Mind: Embrace Breaks for Better Business Leadership

In a post-pandemic world where we are seeing a true hybrid mix of people returning to an office and those electing to continue remotely or even balance both models, there’s…...

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