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What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence has become a life-changing technological advancement ever since it was discovered. Learn about what it means, how it benefits us and how you can implement it in your…...

What is retargeting, and Why Does It Matter to You and Your Business?

Retargeting is all the rage right now, especially since so many ad platforms make it possible. But a lot of people scratch their heads and ask, “Just what is retargeting,…...

The “New Normal” Marketing and Business Strategy For 2020

“New Normal” Marketing and Business Strategy .how to avoid a new dangerous trend called TIAS A dangerous new trend is appearing in businesses and could be happening in yours right…...

How To Use The Latest Behavioural Science In Your Funnels That Generates More Sales FASTER! – Part 2

Generates more sales and get the unfair advantage on your competitors and customers In Part 1 I walked you through the changes in marketing and customer behaviours. This hopefully has…...

How To Use The Latest Behavioural Science In Your Funnels That Generates More Sales FASTER! – Part 3

sandsGenerates More SalesGet the unfair advantage on your competitors and customers In this article, I am going to walk through the motivational model in more detail and how you can…...

How To Use The Latest Behavioural Science In Your Funnels That Generates More Sales FASTER!

Get the unfair advantage on your competitors and customers You might be thinking fantastic I can use these techniques to trick my customer into buying my product or service. You…...

30 Top Tips for Boosting Subscribers, Sales and Revenue with Our Persuasion and Copywriting Secrets

Learning the art of copywriting and persuasion is one of the best things you can do to boost your sales, subscribers, and revenue. That’s why I’ve created a list of…...

Boost Your Search Engine Rankings and be Found On Google

Just because you have a website, it doesn’t automatically mean that people will visit, especially if they can’t find you. And the main way that people find you online is…...

How To Generate Huge Profits From Having an Online Mailing List

As a business owner, you may be wondering to yourself, “Why bother with sending emails when I can keep in touch with my audience through social media? My business has…...

Social Media Is Now Mainstream

As a business owner, hopefully, you need little convincing that social media marketing is something you need to do. In 2024 you might have needed a little persuading. Today, there…...

Getting New and Repeat Customers Online is Easy When You Follow These Marketing Tips

As a business owner, there is something thrilling about marketing your business and getting the word out about your product, or service. However, no matter how confident we are about…...

How To Protect Your Brand With Online Reputation Management

How do you want people to see your business when they look online? Type your company name into a search engine. Do you like what you see? Hopefully you do.…...

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