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Book Marketing Made Easy

Writing a book is only the beginning. Once the final file is sent off to the printers, the real work begins. The truth is, unless your name is Stephen King…...

How to Write a Book When You Have No Time to Write

I get it. You’re busy. The kids have to get to school and homework has to be done and rooms cleaned and dinner cooked. Client calls must be made. Marketing…...

Book Launch Basics

Kudos to you for finishing your book! It’s a huge effort that is to be commended for sure, but don’t celebrate too much. There’s still work to be done. Here’s…...

How to Blog a Book

What holds most would-be authors back from publishing? It’s not a lack of writing talent. It’s definitely not a lack of knowledge. And for sure it’s not a lack of…...

3 Surefire Ways to Create In-Demand Products and Services

If there’s one thing that holds promising entrepreneurs back from launching their business, it’s this: a lack of confidence in their products. Sure, you think that new course or workshop…...

Build a Business, Not Another Job

Many people dream of working for themselves, being their own boss, and having the freedom to only take on clients and projects they love. What they don’t realise, though, is…...

The Power of the Published Author

Your presence on social media is a great representation of your brand. Your blog attracts and engages with new audiences. Your email list keeps you connected with fans and followers.…...

How to Have a Stress-Free Business Launch

Let’s face it, the last thing you want to do now that you’ve decided to finally leave the 9 to 5 job is to add more stress to your life.…...

Mindset Tricks of Successful Entrepreneurs

Want to know what sets the uber-successful apart from the wannabe entrepreneurs? It’s not money, or brilliant ideas, or even powerful friends. All of those things (and more) are nice…...

List Engagement: What to Mail

Enticing your readers to join your list is just a small part of your overall list-building goal. The larger component is keeping them engaged. Do that right, and they’ll reward…...

Improve Your Conversions: Split-Testing Simplified

Email marketing truly is a numbers game. The higher your conversion rates, the larger your list will be. The larger your list, the more sales you will make. But there’s…...

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