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Emotion AI – Are you ready for artificial emotional intelligence?

The race to integrate artificial intelligence with human emotion is on and as you’d have noticed, we humans have always had a connection with machines, from the first time we…...

Generational Marketing – because we’re not all the same!

It’s hard to believe the way we communicate has changed so dramatically in just a few years. As technology continues to evolve, it’s becoming more and more important for businesses…...

Nudge for Business – Do you know how to use it effectively?

How to use Nudge Theory effectively for your business success. As you read social media newsfeeds, read newspapers, watch TV news, or drive past billboards as you drive home from…...

Satellite mode on iPhone 13: What does it mean?

Is it true that iPhone 13 will feature ‘satellite mode’? And what does that mean? Apple’s upcoming announcements of several new devices, including the iPhone 13 and Watch Series...

Great Push Notifications ideas to convert browsers into buyers

Shopping Cart Abandonment: how to Nudge your clients and transform browsers into buyers. I guarantee you even if we haven’t even met, that your business is leaving money on the…...

Best Pitch Deck Examples

What’s a pitch deck? Pitch decks are brief presentations (and a vital fundraising tool) that give investors an overview of your business. It usually focuses on showcasing the product/ project,…...

Rules for a Perfect Pitch Deck

What ideas have gone nowhere through history? It would be amazing to wonder how many brilliant ideas throughout the ages have been and gone, and left ignored. It’s likely that…...

Neuromarketing for Business: a subtle investment that’s worth it

Every day, we’re inundated with messages that tout product features and promote deals. But what goes on in the brains of consumers when they encounter these marketing tactics? People have…...

Micro Expressions for Business: How to spot true feelings

Forget the X-ray vision that lets you see through walls – Microexpressions are your newest superpower, letting you read emotions like a book (in an instant). Whether it’s taking...

Choice Theory – A supreme way to improve your quality of life

Dr William Glasser, a psychiatrist and author of Reality Therapy in 1967, developed Choice Theory® to help people take responsibility for their own lives. Choice Theory is based on the…...

What Is Intent Marketing Funnel (And How Does It Work?)

Since 1898, marketing and sales professionals have used the intent marketing funnel to map out the journey that a buyer takes before purchasing a product. For over a century, professionals…...

What can horses teach us about leadership in 2021?

Well, a lot actually. More so than ever we are in desperate need of authentic and consistent leadership to help navigate through these new normals. Having worked with 100’s and…...

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