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Price vs. Power: How to Choose a Mailing List Provider

Aside from time and location freedom, the biggest benefit to starting an online business is the lack of start-up capital required. You don’t have to buy inventory to stock a…...

Anatomy of a Landing Page: How to Improve Your Conversion Rates with Three Simple Changes

Your readers have short attention spans. I’m sure that’s no big surprise to you. In fact, you probably browse the Internet at light speed, too, scanning titles and subheads, skipping…...

Mailing List Management: You’re Asking the Wrong Question

Here’s the question that’s on everyone’s mind when they start thinking about mailing lists: “Which service should I use?” You’ve probably wondered yourself, and maybe even spent a few hours…...

Get More Mileage From Live Video With These Quick Tips

Live video is undoubtedly the hottest new marketing tool to come along in a while. Apps such as Periscope and Zoom and now Facebook Live make it dead easy to…...

Video: Does It Matter? Yes!

Video: Does It Matter? Yes! Have you been ignoring video, hoping it will just go away? Or worse, thinking you can accomplish the same goals without it? I’m here to…...

How to Get Over Your Live Video Nervousness

It’s a rare person who loves public speaking or appearing on video. If that’s you, you can stop reading right now. But if you’re among the (much larger) crowd who…...

3 Tips for Better Live Videos

They’re everywhere. Periscope. YouTube. Facebook. Live video is clearly the hottest thing since Facebook, and marketers in every niche are taking advantage by hosting their own events. Some of...

Sales Tips for Reluctant Sales People

Would it come as a surprise to you if I said we’re all sales people? It’s true. Every time you have a prospective client on a discovery call, you’re making…...

Fear-Based Decisions Are Bad for Business

At one point, every business owner will find herself in a troubling situation. Revenue is down. New clients are scarce. Profits are falling, and a peek at the financials is…...

Lessons Learned: What a Lost Client Really Tells You

We’ve all lost clients. Sometimes it’s our fault. Sometimes it’s theirs. Sometimes it’s out of everyone’s control. But no matter the reason, there is something to be learnt from a…...

How Well Do You Really Know Your Ideal Client?

We’ve all done the exercise. It’s the first thing you’re taught when you first start your business: Create an ideal client avatar. This vision of your ideal client guides everything…...

Outlandish Stunts: How to Drive a Ton of Traffic with Crazy Claims (and Have Fun Doing It!)

Here’s one sure way to build up a great following fast: do something just a little crazy. If you’ve ever watched a reality TV show such as Married at First…...

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