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Outlandish Stunts: How to Drive a Ton of Traffic with Crazy Claims (and Have Fun Doing It!)

Here’s one sure way to build up a great following fast: do something just a little crazy. If you’ve ever watched a reality TV show such as Married at First…...

Get Seen, Get Traffic: Three Ways to Borrow Someone Else’s Audience

Ask nearly anyone who runs an online business what their biggest struggle is, and chances are they’ll say “more traffic.” You need traffic to build an email list. You need…...

No Writing Required: Create Compelling, Shareable Content Without Writing a Word

Does the thought of blogging leave you cold? You’re not alone. In fact, if you ask most any online business owner what their most dreaded task is, blogging will likely…...

The Art of Being Shareable

Ever wonder what makes some Facebook posts, videos, or blogs “go viral,” while yours are lucky to have 7 shares and two comments? While it might seem like some well-kept…...

How to Turn a Dream Into a Workable Plan

As a coach, it can be difficult to watch the lack of progress of so many promising entrepreneurs and coaches. They’ve dreamed for so long about creating a solid, sustainable…...

Making the Most of Your Time: 5 Productivity Tips Top Coaches Live By

It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals. The only way to truly achieve your dreams and build the business you’re meant to build…...

Do You Have a Business or a Hobby?

Online business owners – and even coaches – can easily “open their doors for business” without a firm business plan in place. Some may test the waters to see if…...

Which Do You Value More: Your Money or Your Time?

Certainly you’ve heard the old adage, “Time is money.” If you’re a business owner, your time is valuable because you have valuable knowledge to share with your audience. Your time…...

5 Business-Killing Mistakes you’re Making Every Day

As the great Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” With all the moving parts of a business to look after, it’s no wonder…...

Productivity is More Than Getting Things Done

Business coaches are strong assets for business owners because they hold the owner accountable for their own progress. They offer different perspectives to problems, they offer guidance as well...

5 Coaches You Don’t Have (But Should)

It seems the current popular advice for growing your business is, “You need a coach,” and you’ll see dozens of people hanging up their coaching hat, advertising for clients. But…...

How Much Time Have You Got?

We all have the same 24 hours in each day but how we USE those same 24 hours will determine your level of success. Have you ever analyzed what tasks…...

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