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3 Places you’re Leaving Money on the Table (and How to Fix Them Today)

Good business coaches are able to look at a company objectively, ask pertinent questions, and guide the owner through the process of creating a plan for future growth. Consider a…...

Website Security 101: Keeping Your WordPress Site Safe from Hackers

Are security concerns keeping you from enjoying the flexibility and power of WordPress? If you’ve bought into the hype that WordPress is inherently unsecured, then you’re missing out on all…...

Attracting Sponsors for Your Live Event

There are many different places you can locate potential sponsors for your events. You can approach customers, vendors, complementary businesses, or even corporations to become sponsors for your...

Blogging Basics: How to Get More Eyes on Your Website

The internet has an insatiable appetite for information. Billions of searches are conducted every single day looking for everything from how to bake an apple pie to why zebras have…...

Myths vs. Facts about the World’s Most Used Website Builder

For something so popular, there certainly are a lot of myths surrounding WordPress, its uses, and its viability in certain situations. If you’re searching for a website solution for your…...

6 Places to Use Keywords to Make Your Content More Visible

Keywords are the terms your ideal client is plugging into Google or another search engine when she needs an answer. “Life coach in Alberta” and “business coach for virtual assistants”…...

Finding and Hiring Help for Your In-Person Live Event

When you make the commitment to have a live, in-person event, you’re going to need help. It doesn’t matter if you plan your event in your own home town or…...

Are You Thinking Strategically About Your Website?

Designing and laying out the pages of a website isn’t just about what you think looks right, or about what everybody else does. It requires strategic thinking. If you strategically…...

Productivity is More Than Getting Things Done

Business coaches are strong assets for business owners because they hold the owner accountable for their own progress. They offer different perspectives to problems, they offer guidance as well...

Earning Money Before, During and After Your Live Event

The best part of planning and hosting a live event is that you’ll have so many opportunities to earn revenue. You can make money on ticket sales, t-shirts and premium…...

Live Event Planning: Understanding Your Audience

The first rule of creating products, a new service offering, or of planning events is to understand your audience. This is true no matter what business or market you are…...

10 Things You Need to Know About Marketing Automation

Small businesses are projects of passion and realized dreams. They are built from the ground up with blood, sweat, tears, and that hard-earned-and-barely-enough capital (or loan). But the time...

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