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Self-Sabotaging Behaviours That Keep You From Earning What You’re Worth

We all do it. No matter how successful you are, at one time or another, you’ll fall into the self-sabotage trap, and the price of admission is high. • Your…...

3 Money Mistakes that Keep Your Business Broke

Poor money management has been the cause of more business failures than any other single issue. And it’s no wonder. We aren’t born knowing how to manage money. Most of…...

Knowing What to Do is Not Enough

How many of you make a new year’s resolution to lose weight or go to the gym? How many of you actually reach your goals? This is a prime example…...

The Secret Weapon of High-Achievers

High achievers – in both the online world and in the corporate world – generally have positive attitudes, know how to take action, and know how to ask for help.…...

Quick and Easy Website Tweaks to Automate Your Sales Funnel

When it comes to leveraging your time, automation is the sharpest tool in your toolbox. It allows you to get more done in less time, and to smoothly move people…...

Common Mistakes That Send JV Partners Running

JV partners and affiliates are a huge asset for any coach or product seller. They’re the ones who are out there singing your praises, spreading the word about your services,…...

Automated Follow-Ups Make the Next Step a No-Brainer

As any smart business owner knows, the key to passive income is a well-established (and full) funnel. So of course you’ve optimized your opt-in pages and monetized your download pages…...

How to Systemize Everything

If you’ve ever looked at another entrepreneur and wondered how she manages to get it all done, the answer might surprise you. She’s got good systems. It’s true. The most…...

The Art of the Soft Sell: How to Get the Click Without (Really) Asking for It

We’ve all seen those old-style sales pages filled with yellow highlights and screaming red text and lots of “BUY NOW” buttons, and when we think of copywriting, that’s often what…...

Pain Points: What You Must Know About Your Potential Clients

How well do you know your potential clients? Chances are you’ve developed at least a simple client avatar. You know her business, her age, her income and education levels. You…...

Copywriting 101: Features vs. Benefits (And How to Know the Difference)

If there’s one thing that confuses and frustrates new (and even seasoned) copywriters it’s the not-always-obvious features and benefits. We want to share all the great things about our new…...

Beyond SMART: Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs

If there’s one thing we know about goals, they have to be SMART, right? After all, that’s what we’ve been told for years. The only thing that matters is that…...

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