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What Your Potential Clients Wish You Knew

Your market is out there, and they are looking for you! It doesn’t matter if you’re a health coach for seniors, a dating coach for middle-aged women, or a business…...

All About Product Funnels for Coaches

Do your clients move predictably from one product to the next, allowing you to accurately calculate your expected income from month to month? Or do you experience radical ups and…...

Taming Technology: How to Easily Manage Your Coaching Business

If there is one thing that confounds coaches and holds them back from building a solid business, it’s technology. You struggle to figure out how your autoresponder connects to your…...

Why We Love Group Coaching Programs

While one-on-one coaching might seem to be the holy grail of business, life, and even health coaching, the truth is, many people actually prefer a group program. With one-on-one coaching,…...

Drinking and Business – Do They Really Mix? A sober way to support cancer research

It’s funny when you run your own business and the stresses you are under each day, its 6 am and the phone rings, 7 am emails, 8 am meetings, phone…...

3 Smart Business Investments You’re Probably Not Making

I get it. You’re a solo-preneur. You’re proud of the fact that you’ve bootstrapped your business from the ground up, tackling every task that comes your way. You built your…...

How Negative Self-Talk Can Destroy Your Financial Future

“I’ve never been good with money.” “I hate budgets.” “I’ll never be a 6-figure earner.” “My market won’t pay premium prices.” If you’ve ever heard these statements come out of…...

What’s Your Why?

When you first hung out your virtual shingle, you likely were thinking: • “I can’t wait to get away from this awful job.”• “I just want to be home with…...

Increase Your Online Profits With Our Simple 6 Point Online Marketing Action Plan

Do you get discouraged with the constant updates in the world of internet marketing? Are you confused by all of the social media and internet marketing platforms you are “expected”…...

Discover 16 Strategies That You Can Put Into Place Today That Will Help You Grow A Huge Mailing List for Your

You might be wondering, in the age of social media and with so many people receiving unsolicited emails about Viagra why you should bother with email marketing? The answer is…...

How To Plan Your Marketing Successfully

Marketing isn’t simple. To do it right, it requires a great deal of planning. Small businesses without massive marketing budgets have to handle this aspect of their business themselves...

Gain Control of Your Emotions – Learn to be Happy With Yourself

Chapter 8 Synopsis The last but definitely not the least thing that you have to do in order to achieve optimum emotional balance is to learn how to be happy…...

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